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software design patterns - beginner or hobbyist

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#1 cafejose


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Posted 19 July 2022 - 06:08 AM

Is a beginning programmer or someone who had no more than one programming course, from a few decades ago, 
equipped to understand the meaning of Software Design Patterns, and also able to recognize or understand a 
couple of them?  
Is a text-based menu-driven software program a clearly identifiable Software Design Pattern?
Could a hobbyist and beginner at "coding" learn to know some few software design patterns and be able
to choose one which would let him solve a applied problem for which he may create a software program
at his (possibly very limited) level?
(Assume that such person has no understanding at all about Object Oriented Programming, if this makes
any sense.)

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#2 MarkTwels


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Posted 03 August 2023 - 07:58 AM

I'm new to this forum, but I couldn't help but jump into this discussion because it brings back memories of when I started coding as a hobbyist. Back in the day, I had just one programming course and was eager to dive into software design patterns. To be honest, it was a bit overwhelming at first, but with some patience and practice, I managed to grasp the concept of a few patterns.

#3 rp88


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Posted 18 August 2023 - 01:41 PM

cafejose, state the thing you actually want to write some software to do. Talking about a specific example is much easier than trying to consider more abstract ideas about patterns.
Back to visiting this site, every so often, been so busy in previous years.

#4 cafejose

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Posted 18 August 2023 - 05:44 PM

cafejose, state the thing you actually want to write some software to do. Talking about a specific example is much easier than trying to consider more abstract ideas about patterns.

I had become curious most generally.  I have no current program-writing plans.  I DID have some a few years ago, and I wrote a few programs to my more specific goals at that time.  


I tried to give one idea in my first post on topic; being a menu-based program, using text information presented to a user.  But I was not asking about any specific program.  I ask for identifying design patterns.  


Simple example could be,  linear interpolation.  But I already wrote one or two of them which worked very well; two of two-dimensional data pair, and user wants to know the part of another data pair; but once the program is made,  .... I wonder, Do programmers think according to any set of formal Design Patterns?  


Observe that I asked about this in July 2022, so that was a long while ago and I have done no program-making since before that time.  (Almost none; I can't remember too well...)

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