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Current date and time with speed meter

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#1 wypierdeknatury


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Posted 30 May 2023 - 07:54 AM

Is it possible to add the current speed counter to the recorded video in addition to the current date and time?
Is there any application for a smartphone that, in addition to the current date, adds a counter of the current speed at which the recording person is moving, I mainly ride a bicycle and I do not have counters built into the bike. The only electronics I have is a smartphone.
Here the real-time speed is shown in the corner of the video, but perhaps this is copied from the car's odometer

Now I am unemployed and even $1 is a large amount for me, even replacing a bicycle chain for $5 is an astronomical amount. When someone goes to work, it can be funny. I'm just asking out of curiosity if it would be possible to buy a motorbike for 10,000 to be able to accelerate from 400km/h upwards so that I don't have to spend a lot of money. Do I need to have a company and earn millions to have such equipment in order to have such a motorbike or car? Many racers have a maximum speed of up to 150km/h or 200km/h that's it, this bleep is not racing it shouldn't be called racers but that really fast bikes are too expensive, due to the price most people have no choice and have to settle for only 150 km/s. Of course, compliance with the regulations is absolutely out of the question as the maximum speed is up to 70 km / h or even slower, at least where I live, anyway, when the road is empty and no one would see what is wrong with speeding up.


Edited by buddy215, 30 May 2023 - 09:17 AM.
Removed video link

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