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Is HP's ENVY Laptop With Win11 Home for 2023 Worth Envying?

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#16 windummy

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Posted 08 March 2023 - 07:43 PM

Back @ OldsOd:

Very good hearing back from you expediently about all of this and I appreciate that very much as well! I'm pretty sure this is why BP's Founder, Lawrence Abrams, created this site back in 2004. So that people like you, Pkshadow and myself can learn from and help each other become better at what we each do using MS Windows-Based Platforms.

Recapping my needs, based on your updated Q's to me as follows:

► Just a fairly powerful desktop (with nothing else really fancy) is needed. Minimum x 3 USB 2.0/3/0/ (additional USB-C is OK). RJ45 Built in/Minimum x2 HDMI Port Outputs to Display Screen and Flat Screen TV for Movie Streaming, etc.

► I already have a boxed HP 24"-inch Display Monitor that is more than adequate to integrate into a new desktop/keyboard-mouse purchase with x1 HDMI/DVI/VGA Port Inputs.

► Temperature Requirements are in a moderately thermostat controlled room in Winter with portable inside floor AC Unit (movable) during summer. However, DAW Recording Sessions can run   many hours at a time. So, based on that, an appropriate fan/cooling system should be considered. When not running, I use Sleep or Hibernation Mode to Log Back on or Restart only. I rarely Shut-down (unless I have to).

► Around $1,200.00 0r $1,299.00 US Dollar range is an acceptable Ball Park figure me (with expectations to find better discounts).

► I suppose OEM branding is not that critical to me (except for Dell. Too over-priced as always). This is where a Gamer's advice is appropriate based on their knowledge of my DAW Recording needs.

A pre-built system by an individual is of no interest to me. Not only because of potential warranty liabilities, but the fact that the Global Chip-set issues are not resolved yet.

► AMD and Intel always seem to keep trading claims as to which one is a better (in value terms of cores -vs- threads) without sacrificing too much in the performance department. I suppose which one doesn't really matter to me. Just as long as it's FAST, STABLE and RELIABLE before newer claims change with the next month :lmao: .

As always, I appreciate this continued conversation and am confident my answers to your Q's are adequate.

Best Regards,


Edited by hamluis, 11 March 2023 - 02:41 PM.

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#17 Pkshadow


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Posted 08 March 2023 - 08:42 PM

Have not read everything but do not get Windows Home.  Get Pro so can block Windows Update Drivers (place holder drivers) from replacing the Motherboard Makers Drivers.


As per anything other than Motherboard Makers that are actual Gaming Motherboards with years of experience and are used by enthusiasts do not go with Lenovo.    ASUS, MSI, GIGABYTE, ASROCK are names should be looking at.

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#18 windummy

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Posted 08 March 2023 - 09:35 PM

Back @ Pkshadow:

That's a very good point you make regarding Win10 Pro instead of settling for Home. However, once I retire my current HP laptop running Win10 Home, I'll update to Win11 Pro after I've decided which Gaming Desktop to buy (which will come with Win11 Home first). I would prefer to upgrade to Win11 Pro myself after Desktop Purchase. As you may, or may not know since we met up here, I've decided not to invest in a Gaming Laptop after all and will be going for a Desktop instead. No sense having two laptops at-the-same-time. We all know that Desktops are faster, interchangeable and often cheaper (whereas laptops are not).  

At any rate, I was going to consider Win11 Pro for other reasons (such as Remote Access Privs to Trusted Associates) and other protocol change advantages concerning my work in DAW Music Software (along the lines of Custom Optimization for Win11 Pro of which I'm experienced with). But, I never considered the advantages your link article showed about the easiest way to stop getting driver updates from Windows Update using the Local Group Policy Editor. Going into the Registry isn't exactly my idea of looking for some "harmless fun."  I'll def backup the registry first. Good point about staying clear of Lenovo as well. However, I'm just going to go OEM Prefabricated (but will keep an eye out for Motherboards offered through your research).

If you're interested, here's how to Custom Optimize Win11 Pro for Digital Audio Recording (which is applicable to gaming as well):

Thanks again and best regards,


Edited by hamluis, 11 March 2023 - 02:40 PM.

#19 0lds0d



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Posted 08 March 2023 - 09:37 PM

A pre built by a company was what I had in mind -  with a warranty of course. Not by an individual of course.


Also would you consider an AIO or  just a air cooler for the CPU. An AIO stands for "All in One" which is a complete finished kit that liquid cools the CPU and is best if running hot and for long periods of time.

There are very efficient air coolers that can equal an AIO  in cooling performance. Depending on the CPU used, usually the air cooler is cheaper than the AIO.

Using either one would require manually entering the BIOS and setting up the fan speeds at the correct corresponding temperatures. AIO would need the extra setting to set the pump speeds, but that is relatively simple to do.


A pre built does have advantages over an OEM - the prebuilt parts are not proprietary as in an OEM and are interchangeable with other regular components and therefore can be always upgraded or easily repaired, more choices are available over an OEM, power supply can be often selected as opposed to getting stuck with a lower grade or lower performing unit,  upgrading a prebuilt is usually cheaper whereas the OEM can be upgraded (for some parts) but usually the vendor over-charges for these upgrades (take a RAM upgrade for example usually priced well above the market value but it is preinstalled for the consumer) and finally cooling isn't always the best in an OEM and these can run "hot". 

#20 0lds0d



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Posted 08 March 2023 - 09:52 PM

Also disable OneDrive and Xbox from the startup - something they missed in that sweetwater article.

Also Edge browser does a startup with Windows just to give users a "quicker" web browser startup, again this should be disabled in the Edge web browser settings.


In OEM systems also disable or even uninstall the OEM's  proprietary software such as updaters, system checkers, etc. This is not needed in most cases.

In some cases motherboard software can be uninstalled as this often is not needed - case fans and CPU cooler fan(s) can be manually set in the BIOS, system updates can be performed manually not by their software, etc.

Also many gaming rigs can come loaded with a ton of RGB software (and their user friendly bloated software to "help you") and if not using the RGB just turn the RGB off (in the BIOS often) and uninstall that software. Amazingly enough the case fans, the CPU cooler/fan(s), the motherboard, the RAM cards and the graphics card can all come from different vendors and each one would have their own installed RGB software. Sometimes trying to keep it simple is the best approach.

#21 0lds0d



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Posted 08 March 2023 - 10:00 PM

OK lets start - maybe at least an Intel Core i5-12600 or Intel Core i5 13600 or an AMD Ryzen 7700 (or 7700x but the "X' series run a little hotter). You could go AMD Ryzen 7600 (or 7600x) to be cheap or even an AMD Ryzen 7900 (non X) for those extra cores.


Just to get things started off. The prices and total costs and availability still would be a deciding factor in determining the actual CPU to be obtained. These could maybe go lower in performance and still probably be OK.


What do you think about that suggestion?

Edited by 0lds0d, 08 March 2023 - 10:24 PM.

#22 0lds0d



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Posted 08 March 2023 - 10:10 PM

Something to consider - getting a place like microcenter to build your computer priced at a flat rate for you and all you do is pick and pay for the parts (from their store of course). It does come warrantied and can be done on the cheap...see for the lowest quote...


It's the best way to get a custom build and it's built just for you without doing the actual work.

Edited by 0lds0d, 08 March 2023 - 10:22 PM.

#23 windummy

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Posted 08 March 2023 - 10:25 PM

Back @ OldsOd:

Excellent research and suggestions, plus learning some cool things from you as well. I need time to digest these combined replies from you before commenting back (and I will). Just didn't want to leave you hanging after all this continued effort both you and Pkshadow have put in on my behalf. I really appreciate that.

Thanks again and best regards,



Edited by hamluis, 11 March 2023 - 02:39 PM.

#24 0lds0d



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Posted 08 March 2023 - 10:29 PM

OK. Good to digest and ponder some before committing. PK is an Intel guy and I'm an AMD guy, so you will have good advice from us as a team!  


After figuring out exactly which CPU to be used, then we move on to the motherboard selection and then the rest of the components needed. CPU and motherboard selections are the most important choices and most vital to the build. 

#25 windummy

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Posted 08 March 2023 - 10:38 PM

@ OldsOd:


Edited by hamluis, 11 March 2023 - 02:39 PM.

#26 Pkshadow


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Posted 09 March 2023 - 01:44 AM

Hi, as per Post # 18

Win Home the Registry hack only works some of the time.  Most often Microsoft forces the drivers into Home.    Just a heads up on that. 


Have always bought a Retail version of Windows Pro.  Have never and do not buy OEM versions.


G' luck :=}

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#27 windummy

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Posted 09 March 2023 - 06:32 AM

Back @ Pkshadow:

(NOTE: this post also copy-pasted to OldsOd with his last quotes to me)

Thanks for the "Good Luck" wishes. I'm certainly going to need them! Another thing I have to decide on is whether or not I'm going to stick with Win10 and upgrade that to Pro ver. once I obtain the new Desktop for DAW. As far as I'm concerned, Win11 is nothing more than Win10 in disguise. Surely many of the bugs during their initial launch have been worked out. But, unless I'm mistaken, the Task Bar cannot be moved around as it can in Win10. That's a Biggie for me because when opening any DAW Audio Software, the Task Bar can get in the way in my GUI Display Screen (despite being able to Hide it Horizontally, Vertically and Left to Right from Settings). For example, in DAW we have a coined term called: "Managing Real Estate." That applies to (2) things as follows:

► Proper physical-area planning of the Workstation Table-Top size and where to place PC and adjoining Hardware units, Studio Speakers and rack frame-systems (without causing unnecessary clutter). This could be termed as physical "Workstation Real Estate."

► Hence, "Software Real Estate" could mean a lot of things such as Display Screen size, Movement area for Mouse and Keyboard, etc. But, it also applies to the Software being seen Visually on the Display Screen as well.

So, working with the Task Bar (but keeping it hidden) is essential to us. We don't want it to be in a fixed position beyond our control all the time. Putting it Vertically or Horizontally doesn't work well for me. But, when in DAW, putting it Left and Right (Hidden) does. When recording, I need to place Task Bar on Right Side of screen so it doesn't keep popping in and out of the File Menus Drop-down section in DAW at the left side. Or, where Individual Virtual Track Mixing Modules are located as well. Occasionally, we may need to put the Task Bar to Right Side for certain other control applications located there. So far, I've heard a lot of complaints from other DAW Engineers who upgraded to Win11 prematurely (after Updating Win11, Running Full Scans in Windows Defender and Re-installing all that Software (along with updating it all too).

In closing, the Company called: "Sweetwater" (I've been doing business with since 2010) offers free phone tech support and also provides TEAM VIEWER for Remote Access (which Win10 doesn't offer). They also build Custom Rack Daw PC's for Both Windows /Linux and macOS. They're currently offering it with Win10 Home and call it: "Creation Station" but, for some reason, are only showing the 4-U Rack Version. Feel free to take a look at their Spec Sheet which could be helpful to both you, OldsOd and myself as follows:

Best regards always and Happy Hunting to the three of us!


Edited by hamluis, 11 March 2023 - 02:39 PM.

#28 windummy

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Posted 09 March 2023 - 06:38 AM

Back @ OldsOd:

(NOTE: this post also copy-pasted to Pkshadow with his last quotes to me)

Hello back. Still digesting those Specs you sent last night. Another thing I have to decide on is whether or not I'm going to stick with Win10 and upgrade that to Pro ver. once I obtain the new Desktop for DAW. As far as I'm concerned, Win11 is nothing more than Win10 in disguise. Surely many of the bugs during their initial launch have been worked out. But, unless I'm mistaken, the Task Bar cannot be moved around as it can in Win10. That's a Biggie for me because when opening any DAW Audio Software, the Task Bar can get in the way in my GUI Display Screen (despite being able to Hide it Horizontally, Vertically and Left to Right from Settings). For example, in DAW we have a coined term called: "Managing Real Estate." That applies to (2) things as follows:

► Proper physical-area planning of the Workstation Table-Top size and where to place PC and adjoining Hardware units, Studio Speakers and rack frame-systems (without causing unnecessary clutter). This could be termed as physical "Workstation Real Estate."

► Hence, "Software Real Estate" could mean a lot of things such as Display Screen size, Movement area for Mouse and Keyboard, etc. But, it also applies to the Software being seen Visually on the Display Screen as well.

So, working with the Task Bar (but keeping it hidden) is essential to us. We don't want it to be in a fixed position beyond our control all the time. Putting it Vertically or Horizontally doesn't work well for me. But, when in DAW, putting it Left and Right (Hidden) does. When recording, I need to place Task Bar on Right Side of screen so it doesn't keep popping in and out of the File Menus Drop-down section in DAW at the left side. Or, where Individual Virtual Track Mixing Modules are located as well. Occasionally, we may need to put the Task Bar to Right Side for certain other control applications located there. So far, I've heard a lot of complaints from other DAW Engineers who upgraded to Win11 prematurely (after Updating Win11, Running Full Scans in Windows Defender and Re-installing all that Software (along with updating it all too).

In closing, the Company called: "Sweetwater" (I've been doing business with since 2010) offers free phone tech support and also provides TEAM VIEWER for Remote Access (which Win10 doesn't offer). They also build Custom Rack Daw PC's for Both Windows /Linux and macOS. They're currently offering it with Win10 Home and call it: "Creation Station" but, for some reason, are only showing the 4-U Rack Version. Feel free to take a look at their Spec Sheet which could be helpful to both you, Pkshadow and myself as follows:

Best regards always and Happy Hunting to the three of us!


Edited by hamluis, 11 March 2023 - 02:38 PM.

#29 0lds0d



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Posted 09 March 2023 - 07:39 PM


Just got up from a good nap and banged this quickly out. :)


Why this selection? A mixture of what I personally like and what is good and what you need or could use ("need" or "could" is arbitrary).

Parts are good and the PSU should come with a 10 year warranty (so expect a longer life span even well past 10 years for the PSU).


For you, this case has no gaudy RGB and the case has no tempered glass side just a solid side (although it does come with 3 fans and a mesh intake on the front for good cooling).

The graphic card is a mute point - you could skip it and just use the graphics from the CPU/Motherboard (one DP and one HDMI IIRC), but adding in a card takes some of the load off the CPU putting it onto the card and that card should have one HDMI and 3 DP ports for your several monitors and one TV.


OK first things first. This system is very upgradable on the cheap - more RAM can be added later on if needed, the CPU can be further upgraded in 3-5 years for more processing power if needed (AM5 platform is further supported for 3 more years meaning in three years or longer if AMD changes their mind about  that 3 yr. support and maybe adds one more year support), another open slot is there for adding in another NVME drive in the future if needed, the power supply is more than adequate for future proofing and will easily power any upgrades, case has extra space for more cooling (either more fans or adding in an AIO). Also 4 additional SATA drives could be added in onto the motherboard (and case should hold these) if this is a typical GIGABYTE board; for more internal file storage.


Just for some ideas to see what you are thinking about a build. Like or dislike. The graphic card is still a mute point - and for very little extra money this could be not just a 1080p gamer but a potent 1440p (and some 4K too) gaming rig by trading the RX 6600 for a RX 6700 XT.  I am not that used to the U.S.A. prices and supply.  Or the graphic card could be dropped further down a notch or two to save more money on the initial build.


Oh forgot - the CPU comes with a cooler but that could be traded for another after market cooler if needed. So no CPU cooler was included in that part list. The CPU is of low power hence low heat and that AMD cooler should be OK. 


This particular post was just to give us idea about this new system. Nothing is committed. But the build falls within that initial ballpark quote of 1200 to 1299 cost.

Edited by 0lds0d, 09 March 2023 - 08:40 PM.

#30 windummy

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Posted 10 March 2023 - 05:05 AM

Back @ OldsOd:

Still digesting your earlier comments/specs and recommendations. I was just showing you the Sweetwater 4-U Rack unit to give you an idea of their version of building a Custom DAW PC. I'm not interested in their prefab version nor the US Dollar Price. Also, I hope you and Pkshadow understand that when DAW Retail Companies like this post Optimization instructions for Windows/Linux and macOS, they're not necessarily coming from the perspective of Gamers and their PC's. Especially regarding Windows.

Since they don't know what system builds their customer use as O/S Platforms, they prefer we learn how to shut off practically everything in the background (especially uninstalling all bloatware and 3rd Party Anti-Virus, etc.). As I mentioned earlier, Microsoft's built in Defender and Firewall is what we use ―only. It's designed by MS to run unobtrusively in the background. Protecting our ongoing work (without interfering with it). The 3rd Party stuff does interfere with using DAW Software. That's why we DAW-heads do things a bit differently than you Gamers might. Remember:

"you guys need the Speed for fun. We need the speed for creating and selling our produced stuff (without any hic-cups)."

So, where you say:

"Why this selection? A mixture of what I personally like and what is good and what you need or could use ("need" or "could" is arbitrary).

Parts are good and the PSU should come with a 10 year warranty (so expect a longer life span even well past 10 years for the PSU)..."


...doesn't mean that what you and Pkshadow are helping me try to do is off the table. Absolutely not!

I also agree with you where you said before tonight:

"Also disable OneDrive and Xbox from the startup - something they missed in that sweetwater article.

Also Edge browser does a startup with Windows just to give users a "quicker" web browser startup, again this should be disabled in the Edge web browser settings."

If convenient, why don't you consider sending me some links so I can see the cost to some of these parts you mentioned earlier. Such as:

► Complete finished kit that liquid cools the CPU and is best if running hot and for long periods of time.
► Cost differences between efficient air coolers that equal an AIO in cooling performance. Though I haven't selected a CPU yet.

I know that a lot RGB is free and open source software to view and modify the code. Knowing C++, means adding other devices with a hardware abstraction layer (to control RGB on Windows, Linux, and MacOS). To be honest  OldsOd, I don't think that really applies to what I do in DAW for Music Recording. But, if I'm wrong about that, please explain why

(if necessary).

You probably already answered that Q for me where you just said:

"The graphic card is a mute point - you could skip it and just use the graphics from the CPU/Motherboard (one DP and one HDMI IIRC), but adding in a card takes some of the load off the CPU putting it onto the card and that card should have one HDMI and 3 DP ports for your several monitors and one TV."

So, in closing, I'm narrowing down more searches for "Budget Desktops for DAW Music Recording-2023." It's a good start to view other (more) OEM Desktops from Dell, Acer and even HP. But, they don't seem to have the Juice (or proper cooling) you, Pkshadow and myself require and are interested in. I'll try to discover companies that offer Prefabricated ones for Windows (running Win10/Pro @ minimum) and get back to you on that. Here's a short clip regarding Dell's offerabilities (that are actually shortcomings) by a Canadian guy who goes over a lot of interesting stuff you mentioned. But, as you'll learn, his situation with DELL forced him to make this video. I'm obviously not going to go with DELL and I definitely don't want to deal with his problems (Note: Video is dated about 1- year ago):

Thanks for replying back and best regards,



Edited by hamluis, 11 March 2023 - 02:37 PM.

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